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Date posted:25/01/2014 12:33:38
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Great position in Foshan in February, 2014, up to 8000RMB pe
This fantastic opportunity is available to all candidates in China and overseas in February, 2014. You are not required to have teaching experience and will be offered a position in a middle school...
Job 4496 Teaching opportunity in Foshan, Nanhai, Songgang, u
The Kindergarten is our best Kindergarten in Nanhai, Foshan and offers a good environment for teachers and students. Class sizes are medium and the students level of English is good. You'll find...
Copy Paste & Data Posting Online Work
Get data posting online work and do work from your residence. This work is just copying online content and pasting this content into online forms.Basic skill required is just copy and pasting. Any...
1 Sureshot Intraday tips Consultants available at Erode with
Get Only One call Sureshot Intraday tips per day and earn minimum Rs5000 per day with paying very low minimum fees. Check trial for Rs300 and have a satisfied service from us.If any doubts call .Visit...
Teaching in primary and middle schools with accommodation in
Truly enjoyable positions are available in schools including middle schools and primary schools in all areas in Shenzhen. We're looking for native English teachers to take about 15 teaching hours, 8...