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Better balance food.

Shenita Etwaroo is an author whose purpose is to spread compassion and love to others through her writing. Having personally endured and triumphed over abuse and trauma, Shenita attributes her journey towards healing to the unwavering love she received from God, Jesus Christ, her treasured mother, Shirley Savitree, her beloved bunny rabbit, Neon, and her sweet feline companions, Pippa and Ella, along with other furry friends. This profound experience of emerging from personal darkness into a brighter light has inspired her to extend a helping hand to others seeking a similar path towards hope.

Price: £ 2

Date posted:17/03/2024 17:01:35

Ending date (ad expires):17/03/2025(Days remaining: 4)

Region:Northern IrelandCounty:Fermanagh


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:Brainboost

User - registered since:Advertiser without registration
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Health and nutritionWellness, spa Seeking

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