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Precision Measuring Instruments from PCE Instruments UK Ltd

PCE Instruments UK is a manufacturer and global supplier of precision measuring instruments to all industries. Our range includes products that measure current, voltage, resistance, pressure, weight, hardness, roughness, coating thickness, viscosity, moisture, temperature, VOC, pH level, colour, light, gases, sound level, flow, force, radiation, gloss, temperature, rotation, vibration, wind speed and turbidity. We also provide an optional ISO calibration service for most of our equipment. All our instruments are available to purchase in our online shop or you can call ∕ email our friendly and experienced sales team for assistance. Please see our website for current prices.

Condition: New

Date updated:10/07/2024 05:38:29

Date posted:05/07/2022 11:27:32

Ending date (ad expires):10/07/2025(Days remaining: 120)

Region:South EastCounty:Hampshire

Phone / mobile:0238...?


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:PCE Instruments UK Ltd

User - registered since:Advertiser without registration
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Instruments, toolsNew Measuring instruments For sale

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