Business name:COMPRESSED GAS s.r.., kompresory
Company description:
Screw compressors, piston compressors, Services compressors, blowers, dryers and compressed air filters. Compressed air: the air dryers, filters, filter inserts, blowers, pumps, oil separators, air, condensate drain.
Company activities:
Screw compressors, piston compressors, Services compressors, blowers, dryers and compressed air filters. Compressed air: the air dryers, filters, filter inserts, blowers, pumps, oil separators, air, condensate drain.
Date posted / updated:11/08/2010
User - registered since:11/08/2010
Added under the name:Kompresory-servis. sk
Posted in category:Industry and productionEngineering industry
Region:Other / abroad
Statistics:7337 impressions / 995 visits