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Luxury London Chauffeurs

CompaniesServicesTransport and transportationCompany - Wings Chauffeurs LTD

Business name:Wings Chauffeurs LTD

Company description:
Servicing the Heathrow and greater London area, we offer the very best chauffeur driven cars that one can fine. If you are looking for an executive car service or simply want a luxury chauffeur hire to take you around the city, we are ready to serve you. We offer an incredible luxury chauffeur service from the airport to London and return trips that will make you feel like you are the VIP you deserve to feel like. Our airport chauffeur transfers are a stress free ride and gets you to your hotel or business meeting in no time at all. If you are in the London area it is time to treat yourself to the very best in chauffeur services.

Company activities:
Chauffeur in London, chauffeur companies london, hire chauffeur london, london chauffeurs, heathrow chauffeurs, hire chauffeur heathrow, chauffeur from heathrow airport, heathrow chauffeur companies, Heathrow Airport Chauffeur Transfers, Chauffeur service Heathrow, chauffeur hire heathrow

Company headquarters - Wings Chauffeurs LTDStreet:450 Bath Rd
City:West Drayton
Postal code:West Drayt
Street:450 Bath Rd
City:West Drayton
Postal code:West Drayt
Opening hoursMon To Sat 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

Contact person:Williams Ray


Phone:020 ...?


Form of business organization:limited partnership

Company registration no.:30510311

Number of employees:50

Year of establishment:2011

Date posted / updated:24/06/2016

User - registered since:23/06/2016

Added under the name:Luxury London Chauffeurs

Posted in category:ServicesTransport and transportation


Statistics:5164 impressions / 822 visits

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