Business name:Blackline Czech
Company description:
Kennel Blackline Czech is engaged in breeding the smallest herding breed schipperke. Schipperke is a small unassuming dog is suitable for beginners and children. He is intelligent, flexible and obedient, friendly, easygoing and tolerant. You can be kept indoors or outdoors in the insulated shed. It is good watcher. Suitable for training, agility and canine therapy. Weight 3-8 kg, black.
Company activities:
Chov štěňat šiperek
Number of employees:2
Year of establishment:2009
Date posted / updated:15/01/2013
User - registered since:15/01/2013
Added under the name:Chovatelská stanice šiperek
Posted in category:AnimalsDogs and cats
Region:Other / abroad
Statistics:7603 impressions / 910 visits