Business name:BORGO EGNAZIA
Company description:
Bogno Egnazia is luxury holiday destination offers a number of options for you to choose from including a resort and spa, a luxury hotel and a collection of villas and town house. When stayin at the Borgo Egnazia, you can choose between the resort and spa, the hotel, or the exclusive villas and two house. The Borgo Egnazia offers luxurious villa and town house, modern hotel rooms and a full service resort and spa. To add to your holiday relaxation, Borgo Egnazia allows you to choose from their contemporary hotel rooms, their town houses and villas or their accomdating resort and spa. Whether you& 39;re looking for a comfortable hotel room, a spacious town house or viral, or a scaling resort and spa, Borgo Egnazi offers it.
Company activities:
Bogno Egnazia, you can also enjoy activities like tennis and golf along with gourmet restaurants, all for an affordable that only Design Holidays can offer. During your holiday vacation you can also enjoy extracurricular activities like golf, cooking lessons tennis and sunbathing without additional expenses. To have a well-rounded take advantage of the available activities at the Borgo Egnazia. Borgo Egnazia offers resort activities like an 18-hole golf course, a kid& 39;s club, water sports, and even cooking lessons. While at Borgo Egnazia be sure enjoy the resort& 39;s golf club, the tennis courts, the teens club and the other available activities.
Date posted / updated:13/02/2015
User - registered since:13/02/2015
Added under the name:Orgo egnazia resort - puglia, italy
Posted in category:Accommodation, travellingHotels
Region:South EastCounty:West Sussex
Statistics:7270 impressions / 939 visits
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