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Baby Moments

Business name:Baby Moments

Company description:
2D Early Preg Viability
2D Gender Scan
2D Dating Scan
2D Reassurance Scan
2D Growth Scan
2D Presentation Scan
Wellbeing Scan
4D Bonding Package

Baby Moments offers an early pregnancy scan to help mums who are worried about their pregnancy during the early stages due to previous history, no last period date or just to check if everything is ongoing and fine. This scan will help to see if the baby is in the uterus, check the heart beat, whether it is single or multiple pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy may not be visible in some cases. Early pregnancy scan may sometimes need transvaginal ultrasound when the view is not clear transabdominally due to various reasons which could be due to very early on in pregnancy or tilted uterus (retroverted uterus) or increased bowel gas or sometimes due to maternal habitus or the pregnancy has formed outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy).

Company activities:
2D Early Preg Viability
2D Gender Scan
2D Dating Scan
2D Reassurance Scan
2D Growth Scan
2D Presentation Scan
Wellbeing Scan
4D Bonding Package

Company headquarters - Baby MomentsStreet:3, Orchard Court,
Postal code:OX117LL

Contact person:Baby Moments  -Baby Moments



Webpage:http:// ?

Form of business organization:physical person

Company registration no.:1354896

Date posted / updated:26/01/2014

User - registered since:26/01/2014

Added under the name:Baby Moments

Posted in category:Health, medicineMedical instruments

Region:South EastCounty:Oxfordshire

Statistics:5997 impressions / 801 visits

Company code:

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