Business name:Protea Electronics
Company description:
Protea Electronics offers a cost effective repair service for two way radios, wireless microphones and PA equipment.
Engineer with 30+ years experience ensures a first class repair at a realistic price.
Post your repairs to us after obtaining a returns number via the website. We serve the whole of the UK.
Company activities:
Sales and services of two way radios, wireless microphones and PA systems. Protea offers a free, no obligation source and listing service for products you require.
Number of employees:1
Year of establishment:2009
Date posted / updated:11/12/2008
User - registered since:11/12/2008
Added under the name:Two way radio and wireless microphone repairs
Posted in category:Mobile, telecommunicationsTelecommunications
Region:South EastCounty:Hampshire
Statistics:7199 impressions / 886 visits
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