Webpage:http:// ?
Shop description:
Nitro ans petrol monster trucks and cars. Remote controlled boats, tanks, planes, helicopters, hovercraft. 6v and 12v ride on kids motorbikes and cars at low prices. Safe on-line shopping cart using paypal and other payment systems. Over 300 models for sale. Please go to our web site at. www. superwings. co. uk
Shop assortment:
Nitro monster trucks, petrol models, taigen tanks, radio controlled tanks, remote controlled helicopters, radio controlled hovercraft, kids ride on toys, nitro model spares, radio controlled jets, radio controlled planes, pro electric model cars,
Date posted / updated:01/10/2011
User - registered since:27/09/2011
Posted in category:Sport, sports equipmentSports equipment - general
Statistics:4262 impressions / 906 visits