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Online 'Will' drafting - will writing. -

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Live personal assistant online if needed. Around 70% of adults have not made their last will and testament yet. And many of those that have a will need to revise it. Protect your loved ones. Pay less inheritance tax. Prevent your property being sold to pay for care home fees. Be prepared - your property may be at risk with no Will ! There are countless benefits to having a will properly done. When the time comes you will prevent needless expense and uncertainty for your family. You may know of a family who had to pay a solicitor and wait a long, long time for things to be sorted out. This should not be the case. Do the right thing by leaving all instructions and wishes in your will. Statistics indicate that around 70% of Britons do not have a Will. This is bad news for their families and good news for the Treasury. The government may decide how to dispose of your estate etc. If you have not made a Will at all, you should give some thought to the following: For married couples; if you do not have a Will, then according to current law the Government will decide what happens to your estate when you die. All of your estate will not necessarily pass to your spouse. The Government have strict guidelines when deciding who will benefit from your estate, which can include children, grandchildren, surviving parents, brothers and sisters depending on your circumstances. For unmarried couples; if you are not officially married, you may be treated as a single person and your surviving partner may get nothing at all. Making a Will in these circumstances can avoid any argument and dispute at a time when your family should be coping with the loss of a loved one. For parents; you will need to consider who you want to look after your children in the event of your death. This is very important in the case of one-parent families or unmarried parents living together, especially if your child was born before 1st December 2003, (see Parental Responsibility). A valid Will nominating a guardian is invaluable in such cases. If you do not appoint a guardian, a court may decide on your children's future if you are not around. For single people; you may have friends, family members or a favourite charity who you would like to benefit after your death, especially if you do not have any living relatives. Making a Will ensures your estate goes where you want it to. Contact: Stephen Terry Esq' 08008101211

Date posted / updated:01/02/2012

User - registered since:01/02/2012

Posted in category:Other online storesOnline counseling & advising

Statistics:1837 impressions / 733 visits

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