Webpage:http:// ?
Shop description:
Let us welcome you to the web ACADEMY FFI Team. We are a voluntary community of independent distributors of U. S. corporations doing business globally Forever Freedom International. Companies, which aims to improve the lives of his colleagues on site and the quality of living environment for all inhabitants of planet Earth.
Shop assortment:
FFI produces and distributes through its independent associates throughout the world most advanced technologies for saving fuel price rises continuously, reduce harmful emissions of toxic gases and therefore an active fight against global warming, the investigation is still decreasing drinking water supplies. If you become a customer FFI save a lot of money from your family budget, the budget balance or your company. You will act carefully and responsibly with nature around you. If you become our colleagues - independent associates with FFI - you may find interesting earnings environment for their financial and personal growth, new friends, entertainment, business contacts, extraordinary business opportunities, new program for your life .. .
Date posted / updated:28/06/2012
User - registered since:28/06/2012
Posted in category:Other online storesOnline counseling & advising
Statistics:1817 impressions / 760 visits