Webpage:http:// ?
Shop description:
Trendy School Wear at affordable prices. Within the remit of school uniform, school children can have; bootleg trousers, hipster trousers, trendy skirts and dresses, larger size clothing included. No more I am NOT wearing that
Shop assortment:
Quality Uniform Pex sells to 50% of the British School Wear Market Pex Established in Britain since 1914. Pex School Clothes Last, no more cheaper clothes to throw away and re-buy Site currently only showing small pictures. You can visit the main Pex Site, or e-mail me for larger pictures
Date posted / updated:21/07/2009
User - registered since:21/07/2009
Posted in category:Children‘s and school itemsChildren's shops - general
Statistics:4111 impressions / 906 visits
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